Upcoming Classes & Special Events
This page features many of the great things happening at The Kroc Center. For a complete guide to #Krocfun check out our current Program Guide! And, be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts for more information.
Drop-In Pickleball
Make It + Take It Workshops
Holiday Meals
Christmas Dinner
Monday, December 25 | 11am OR 11:45am
A free Christmas meal will be served to the community at The Kroc Center! Reservations will be required for the two seatings at 11am and 11:45am. Reservations for the dinner will be accepted through Monday, Dec. 18. Shut-ins only may request meal delivery by contacting Tina Lewis at 217-231-5626. Please visit SalvationArmyQcyHan.org for more details.
Interested in volunteering? Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Tina Lewis at Tina.Lewis@usc.SalvationArmy.org or 217-231-5626.